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When you run faster than you can think

Nalani Kumiko

"How can you tell when you're holding yourself back, and when you genuinely can't do it? "

This is something I've struggled with a lot over the years, and what I've discovered more and more is that it's almost always the first option.

Think about it. There's something you really, really want to do, and can almost see yourself doing, but you feel tired, scared, and don't know how it would be possible, so you put off starting it. But what happens when you never start? Well, you never get any better at what you're doing either. So, you just stare at this far off idea, that feels impossible to grab, and keep wondering how you're going to get up there. You keep feeling like you're staring at an impossibly high mountain, but the only way anyone ever climbs mountain, is by taking the first step.

I used to think that I can't write, but that's just putting words one in front of the other. I meet a lot of people who think that they can't draw, but it's just like gaining any other skill. Find the right tools for learning, and take the failures as part of the experience.

I've been testing around with timing myself for some of my paintings, and forcing myself to consider them finished when the timer is done... And what I found, is that I spend a lot of time being skittish about the idea of making a painting that MIGHT be bad, before I just take the plunge and do it. But forcing myself to get past the first part, I found out that I'm actually pretty fast at making some paintings. It doesn't feel like that during the timer. It feels like my movements are slow, and I wish they could move as fast as my mind does, but it frees up my mind from clogging with doubt. And, when my mind does catch in tracks of doubt, the timer forces me to keep moving my limbs, faster than I can see how the picture comes out. Eventually, a picture emerges. Not all of them are great. Some of them are terrible. But the amount that I'm satisfied with is larger now, than it's ever been before. That's what's important. Progress, and letting your limbs take over, when your mind get caught up in doubt.

Because all it takes is one little step after the other in order to make the world a better place.

Now, go get started.

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