Ok, just to be clear: By saying that you need to give up making perfect art I am not saying to give up making art. I would never say that, but let me ask you a question instead:
"What are you getting out of trying to get this perfect art piece?"
What are you goals when you try to make something perfect? Are you stiving to push yourself to new heights? Are you trying to best others? Prove a point? Are you scare of facing criticism? Of not being enough?
If you're trying to push yourself, then that's excellent. More power to you, but it needs to come with the understanding that you won't achieve perfection. You will get better, and better, and trying for perfection is good, so long as it doesn't become some unobtainable requirement that swallows your progress whole.
Trying to prove a point or that you're better than others is never a good headspace to be in. It keeps you from looking to others for help and feedback, and can give you fuel in the short term, but never lasts in perpetuity. Besides, it means you're measuring yourself on a scale of someone you fundamentally disagree with. Don't judge yourself by people who aren't your people. That's painful. Keep pride and joy in yourself, and be at peace with you. You're the only one who has to live with you 24/7
For those who are afraid of facing criticism. You could make the most perfect piece of art in the whole world, and still have people who will hate it. Criticism and shameful comments will come no matter what. And, so long as you keep at it, good comments are also likely inevitable. They're just words. Painful words, but words said by imperfect people with imperfect lives just like yours. So don't let it get to you too much.
"What are you losing by requiring perfection of yourself?"
Listen, if holding yourself to impossible standards is keeping you frozen, you need to let those standards go. You won't make any progress standing still, in the middle of nowhere. Instead of focusing on the journey across the whole desert, focus on each step at a time. Find a rhythm in the motions, and before you know t, you'll be where you need to be.
In essence:
"How many times does the feeling of needing to be perfect keep you from doing anything at all?"
Now this is actionable. Keep track of those feelings, and when they come up, and stop for from starting or completing something, keep a record. This should help you find some clarity. When does it happen? How often? How much time do you lose by overthinking things?
"Have you actually seen artists?"
We're all messy. We live messy lives, contain messy souls, and work in messy mediums. Of course it's going to be imperfect. Ant that's also what makes it beautiful. It's what makes it you. There is nothing more beautiful that allowing a piece of yourself to be encapsulated. The person who you are in this moment in time, relating to and reaching out to others, and forever changing everyone who sees it by becoming a part of their journey. The dialogue that imperfect art provides is priceless. That's why we make and buy art. To talk with others, and ourselves.