Or, at least is part of the process of art.
So, yesterday I wrote about how we are destined to pick apart and consume the things that we love , in a strange effort to understand it and enjoy it more, until we ultimately corrupt whatever our original view of the thing was beyond reckoning. And, I would argue that this doesn't have to be a bad thing. In fact, I'd go a step further, and say that it could be come a superpower.
With great power comes great responsibility, yada yada. You know the drill. Awareness of what is going no around you, and what has happened to you is a big deal! Sure, if left unchecked this can manifest itself as anxiety, but it can be very useful.
Let's go over the downside first.
If used incorrectly, you can get stuck ruminating about the past for minutes days, weeks, or even months on end. Time where you could be out living life, and are instead paralyzed at the thought of interacting with it. However, the main thing that makes us use this wrong is getting too caught up in our worries, regrets of the past, and identifying with those emotions too much.
A good way of going about this it to pair revisitation with conscious breathing exercises. Which exercise? doesn't matter. So long as you find one that works for you, and keeps you in your body, you should be good. Try revisiting memories, or observing the present moment without judgement, or worry. Pick apart how it worked, piece together all your associations with everything around you, but don't judge yourself for how you feel. Just observe.
"But, Nalani? How does this help with art? This sounds very spacy and stressful."
And that's where the benefits come in.
You have the ability to pick apart the experience of your life, and interpret the experiences of the other people around you. This means that you can observe, deconstruct , and RECONSTRUCT your life experiences. This is the big key here. You can't make a blueprint without knowing all the building blocks you're wanting to work with, or having a higher picture of what you want to do. Because we are able to analyze what's happened to us, we are capable of making art.
After all, what is art, besides one person trying to convey the experiences of their life to another person? So, if we get really good at observing our lives, our feelings, other people's art and why we enjoy or dislike it, we can make and improve our own art. Art is about communication. Art is about accepting what you have gone through, seeing how it affects you now, how it has died, and how it still lives on to this day.
You will consume what you love. You will eat your memories over, and over again until you change them far past what they looked like before. You will spend time building new places, moments, relationships, and watching them pass on as time changes them.
And that's ok. That's art. That's what makes life beautiful.